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Miscellaneous Pictures for 2005



Sometimes, I take pictures that don't really record travels or some other continuing story- like my Mom- or I receive pictures that I'd like to save but which I didn't take on a trip or something- like pictures Fred might have taken at home. I put pictures like these in this section of the album each year; I just don't want to lose them. These pictures and movies may or may not be of interest to you.



January 4, 2005: At the Legacy Cottage Hospice


In 2004, Chris Young's partner, Steve, became quite ill from complications due to HIV and some other health conditions. By the end of the year, Chris could no longer care for Steve, nor were the doctors able to hold out any hope that any of their treatments would do more than make him comfortable as he declined. Sadly, the only alternative was to find Steve a hospice where he could stay. As you may be aware, hospice-care is palliative, not curative, and so the hospice personnel have a very difficult go of it, knowing that their residents are not improving but only declining.

Chris and I looked around Dallas at a couple of places, and Chris and Steve settled on the Legacy Cottage Hospice in Oak Cliff. One day before Steve moved there, Chris and I went to take a close look at the facility and meet the people who care for the patients. I took some movies that day, and I would like to keep them here. You can watch them using the movie players below:

Hospice Front

Living Room and Kitchen

Families' Room & Client Room

Client Rooms

Client Bath & Laundry

Garage & Garden



January 17, 2005: Ty and Scott in Fort Lauderdale


This year, after Fred and I are here in February with Frank and Joe, I will be beginning major renovations on the condo. I have come down here for a few days to work with Ty and Scott making some plans and making some selections of materials for the new condo.

I did not take any pictures to speak of on this trip down; the time I had was spent working on condo plans or packing and cleaning in the condo itself. I did, however, take some pictures at Ty and Scott's apartment on the 17th. Scott has pretty much recovered from his bad fall on the stairs leading down from their parking structure to the building, although in these pictures you can still see some puffiness where the reconstructive surgery was done.

In any event, you might want to see these three pictures. For a picture of Ty and Scott in their living room, click here. For a closeup picture of Ty and Scott, click here. And, finally, for a picture of Ty and I clowning around, please click here.


November 26, 2005


All of these pictures were taken by Fred in the Crump's Garden Greenhouses. Fred was taking them not only to record the 2005 poinsettia crop, but also to pick one for a possible Christmas card picture.

Click on the Image Above to View the Slideshow

I've decided to take the pictures and put them in a slideshow so that you can go through them without having to open and close each individual picture.

To view the slideshow, just click on the image at left and I will open the slideshow in a new window. In the slideshow, you can use the little arrows in the lower corners of each image to move from one to the next, and the index numbers in the upper left of each image will tell you where you are in the series. When you are finished looking at the pictures, just close the popup window.


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